hi there
How are you? The Sun is glistening all around today. Our garden is bursting with shoots and we have a beautiful new Magpie visiting each day. Have you ever seen the incredible colours in their Feathers?
I wanted to share a video with you today all about Star, a ten year old girl who has a lot of 'No' in her. I hope you enjoy hearing her story in the video. She has a 'Forest of mixed emotions in her forehead' and for some reason people just don't truly 'get' her...
They can't understand why she just keeps insisting 'No!'.
Every single time I paint the way in which I do, it tells a rich story of a part of who I am. We are all made up of many parts of Self.
If you would like to delve into who you are by painting my way, please get in touch, I can help you get started with this very easily.
Over to Star now, click the video below to hear her story <3
Kas x