
Kassi Martin

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman
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Yes.... BUT!!!

Honouring Our Yoni Begins 1 November 2024

This morning... following a mammoth phase of Creation and Production (yes, I know I had a holiday recently too, BUT...) when I woke up to a dark, stormy sky with rain plummeting to the ground, I opened my window, got back into bed (freshly changed to winter duvet and new bedding - Why Does That Feel SO Nice???) and stayed there till 12 minutes past 9am.

Unheard of for me to lounge around in bed!!!

...and, even though DHL delivered the new loo furniture for my Lushus New Loo I am creating next to my Counselling Office for clients (around 8 ish according to their email announcing they had delivered) I STILL STAYED IN BED... Unashamedly snuggled by duvet up to my chin.... in my 'Totally Not Getting Up Yet!!!!' attitude - grinning gleefully to myself...

You see... last night... I went to bed utterly drained and exhausted BUT with the wonderful, heart-filled-up and fluttery-feelings connected to Completing my mammoth: "Honouring Our Yoni - Sexual Healing course".

I finally typed the twenty-nine thousandth and eight hundred and thirty second word, completing my 40 written prompts to accompany my 40 Video Prompts - and just stared, blinking at the laptop screen... 

I couldn't believe how much work I'd done.

Do you ever get those kind of feelings? Like your whole chest, throat and face is all tingly and full of joy?  Like feeling all loved-up and excited kind of a thrill?

As you can imagine, all of this felt Wonderful and had it not been 'nearly tomorrow', I probably would have had a dance and a sing in the kitchen with Alexa to celebrate this latest piece of work. 

Alexa - she's such an obliging girl (programmed by man obvs??!) 

One of these days, I'm going to unplug Alexa and take her on an exciting trip to UNLEASH her from her kitchenly-chores of obliging all and sundry with their requests to tell them a joke, set an alarm, play their favourite song and do her loudest fart... 

I mean... how Demeaning does life have to become before we finally walk away and take our own Life SERIOUSLY?!?!?

If Alexa had a Yoni, she could do my new course then break free from all the monotony and mediocrity of daily conveyor-belt-of-life stuff, being a programmed woman.

So - in the end, I flopped into my yummy new bedding and fell asleep within moments ...and slept late. (which is SO out of character BUT I loved it!)

and now????

I've just been given the alarming task of standing in front of my camera to let everyone know my new, exciting, unleashing, unblocking, freeing: (Music:  da da daaaaaa)  Honouring Our Yoni (aka: Paint Your Vagina with me, Kas Martin whilst digging deep and clearing aside the old childhood crap to make way for a potent, enlivened, unleashed, exciting, no-longer prepared to be kept down or made small, Don't-Stop-Me-Now kinda Life - where you finally put your Hopes and Dreams out there and won't let any F*ckr get in your way) 

Which is about to begin 1st November - and luckily there are still a few spaces left.  

And by the way, if you are extremely private about SEX... you can do this with me 1-2-1 as well... just let me know.  It isn't a problem.  Same price just you and I...

In all seriousness... if you have experienced a deep sexual wounding (isn't that all woman???) THIS course is for YOU...

If you have any difficulties around sex... It's for YOU Too...

We have been raised to deny, avoid, ignore and view S.E.X as bad, wrong, dirty and so much more... mostly due to Ancestral Trauma and the patriarchy.

If this has been your experience, then my course is for YOU too.

You Don't need to be artistic... You just need a Vagina.  Even if your teachers told you 'Art isn't really for you, is it...!"  You WILL paint your vagina anyway... I am going to teach you how...whether in a journal or on a MASSIVE Canvas - and to be honest... the bigger, the better!

AND we will embrace All Sorts Of Exciting Challenges... 

AND we will journal in raw and gritty ways (I teach you everything - easy peasy) 

AND there will be fun, deeply touching moments, tears, relief, joy and so much more...

Now Is The Time... no matter how many 'yes, buts' you can come up with...Message me anyway... and just Say YES and let's do this!

I can't wait to see your name pop up in messenger... or via email or better still: Whatsapp me: UK 07876222790

I'm warm, friendly, kind and loving also very Knowledgeable and VERY Experienced as a Counsellor, Artist and Transformative Coach - so you are in safe, loving hands to Transform to your most INCREDIBLE Self.

Come On!!!  Life is too short for leaving it on hold any longer!

All you have to do is email me:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (add my email to your contacts so my reply doesn't get lost in spam) and let me know if you'd like to do this one-to-one with me or in a small group.  

We begin 1 November so please don't miss out!

At the most basic level all you need is a journal and some colourful pens... and if you'd like to go the whole hog (and I teach you everything) get a canvas and some acrylic paints, glitter and any creative, playful materials that excite you!)


Kas x 

You Need To Enjoy Being Dangerous!


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Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
