E-Courses Paid

Gift of Anger

Gift of Anger

 Embracing My Shadow: The Gift of Anger

a Therapeutic Art eCourse

with Lifetime Access 

Depending on where we live in the World, we tend to have our Cultural Norms regarding Anger and all of our Emotions.  It’s a kind of shared expectation we learn as we grow up and is usually reinforced in our Home and Community. 

When we are young, and throughout our Lives, we quickly learn which Feelings, Emotions and Behaviours are Approved of ...or Disapproved of. 

We then Conform & Adapt to Belong and feel safe in our Family & Community  


Being 'Angry' is usually frowned upon, disapproved of...

and yet our Anger is part of our natural Survival Instinct

It is there, available to us in a flash and yet is often squashed by Beliefs & Values



What Will You Learn?

As I gently lead you through the Therapeutic Art Process, you will:


Learn how our Anger can be an incredible Gift to solve problems and keep us safe

Learn how to Express yourself intuitively, allowing your Fingers and Body Wisdom to lead your way

Learn how to Reflect upon your Expressive Art

Learn about Suppression, Repression & our Shadow Side

Learn about Approval, Disapproval, Conditions of Worth & Attributes 

Learn about your Inner Critic and those Must's, Should's, Ought's in your Family of Origin

Learn about the Power of our Authority Figures whether we are 2, 72 or 102
Learn about the Importance of Belonging and Survival

Learn about how we Adapt, Comply, Conform and Forsake our Truest Selves

Learn how everything changes when we begin to acknowledge our Shadow Side

Learn how our Relationships change for the better when we accept our Humanness, warts and all

Learn how we grow happier, more relaxed, contented, less stressed, less anxious or depressed when we come to know our Shadow Side 

Appreciate the value in reflective journaling as a confidant. 

Learn about the power of your Non Dominant Hand for an empowering, cathartic release as you access your inner truth.

If you are a Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Art Therapist and would like to develop your Tool Kit and discover more about my unique Expressive Arts Approach, I can offer you Skills, Understanding & Learning which you can integrate in to your own Clinical Practice through the experiencing of this eCourse.  You will also gain 8 hours of CPD for your Annual CPD Requirement. 


If you are ready to sign up, scroll down to bottom for immediate access



Our Shadow Side: Where do we 'put' all the disapproved of 'stuff'?

I believe each one of us has a shadow side.  It isn’t something we can get hold of, touch or see, but is a Psychological concept or theory.  We can happily 'file' away or 'deposit' all those aspects of ourselves which we know with certainty, will be disapproved of.  

As time passes we become very adept at Denial of such urges. 

We ignore and stuff down anything which gets in the way of our very Survival.  Of course...  who wants to be unloved or alone in the world?

Anger, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, sadness, greed and more cannot be 'allowed' under any circumstances to be seen, felt, heard or known by another. 

Into the Shadow they must go, forever...  or maybe not?

Expression of our Anger...

As a Therapist over the last 20+ years, I have discovered that the majority of us do not wish to admit or experience feelings of Anger.  They don’t want to be faced with the Anger of another.  They learned that in order to be Loved and Accepted by those around them, “Anger” is not OK.  Therefore, avoid Anger at all costs or ....face the consequences.

A long time ago before I had personal therapy, I believed that to be Angry was “bad”.  I believed if I became angry, especially as a woman, I would not be wanted nor loved and most definitely be disapproved of and even rejected.  My Anger was quickly squashed down into my Shadow.  I slammed down that lid and bolted the door! 

How many of us, I wonder, have spent a lifetime suppressing our Anger in order to be acceptable, approved of, liked?

Here’s the thing however… Anger is something that exists in the oldest part of our Brain.  Our Nervous System operates at an incredible speed, commonly known as our fight or flight response, an incredible, powerful, Energy.  It is there for a very good reason.  It exists so we can survive. 

And so here we have an Impasse...  Anger is naturally within us for survival purposes and in order to survive family, school, community we have to resist our Anger...  What an inner turmoil...!


Our Anger, I believe, is a Gift

I have created an online experience which invites you to discover the incredible Gift that is absolutely priceless yet completely free to You.  You were born with this Gift, yet through social conditioning we tend to be 'trained' to deny, ignore or repress our natural, fight or flight response.  I can teach you how you can release and embrace your anger in ways which will offer you self protection and respect without harming yourself or another through my Unique Approach to Expressive Art.  

Art Materials - please do not feel limited by my list below

Sturdy Paper for Mixed Media approx 15" x 12" or any size which feels 'right' to you
Oil Pastels, Pastels, Pens or Crayons
Old credit card or plastic palette knife
Acrylic Paints in colours which 'speak' to you
Sharp plastic to scratch  
I use: Permanent Rose by Windsor & Newton, Glitter Paints, Metalic Paint in Teal, Green, Yellow, Blue, Gold, Paynes Grey, various Glitters,
A few Papers for collage (optional) 
Pebeo Gel Medium Gloss for 'glue' or School Glue (if you choose to collage)

a small, fine paint brush (optional), a glue brush

As you scroll down through my Reflective Prompts and Videos you will be gently guided through my Process which you may wish to follow along with or trust in your own Fingers and Body Wisdom to intuitively create.  There is no 'right' or 'wrong'.

Trust your fingers, allow your self to Be, to Flow, to Trust, to hear your own needs, wants, intuition...

Please bring Empathy, Acceptance, and all the wonderful Skills you already possess to offer to yourself as you work your way through this experience.  I believe my Course can offer freedom and release from our childhood Psychological Conditions of Worth & Attributes offering you new perspective, stretch and challenge, illuminating your Unconscious Process and releasing you from old Wounds and Traumas.

Ready to explore The Gift of Anger?


Sign up below for immediate access


About Kassi...

My background is in Psychotherapy with a lifelong love of Art & Creativity

I am a prolific Therapeutic Course Creator with endless flow of ideas for more courses. 

I also Coach Creatives to Shine Brightly and Be Grounded Like Me  

My Coaching Program is full on, totally supportive because I want you to be Successful

and to release your Amazing Self & Passion into the World.

I help those who show up feeling emotionally 'messy' to Be Authentically Grounded Like Me.

I Believe my never-ending Fountain of Creativity & Ideas is my Gift to You and to the World

No matter how wobbly you feel, You CAN make Art and

I can Teach you How in my Loving, Relaxed Style of Teaching through self paced courses

You can develop Self Acceptance, Inner Calm, ease Anxiety, Stress & activate your Innate Capacity to Self Heal

I facilitate life change through Mixed Media Art & Intuitive Collage, Psycho-Ed courses, online Groups, Therapeutic Playshops and in person painting days in my studio in Scotland


In 2008 I created What Kind of Tree Am I? an Inspirational Tree Painting process which was a catalyst for all of my other online Art courses which I am So Proud of!

I Teach How your Fingers, Intuition & Innate Body Wisdom has the capacity to Heal at a deep, Unconscious level with or without the need for words and How you can Relate with yourself, transform Self Criticism, Doubt & Fear into Self Acceptance & Inner Calm so you can feel wonderful too

I Celebrate everyone as Unique and Individual on their own Journey  


Sign up in the usual way below for immediate Access

Duration: Lifetime
Price: £99.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
