E-Courses Paid

Honouring My Inner Child

Honouring My Inner Child

Experience a Wonderful Invitation to Welcome your Inner Child into the World

includes a Confidential, hour long, FREE Exploration with Kassi online

 Make more than one! Each will be totally unique!


"Kassi shares honestly, deeply & calmly, giving me permission to let me know myself"


Each of us stores deeply layered Life Stories, Hopes & Dreams, Emotions and Experiences within us.  Creating mixed media collage spontaneously offers healing without the need for words. 

Experiential Learning means you learn by 'Doing' & Participating in your own unique art making

I have used everything I know to create a Unique Process where I share Me with you as I work


"Kassi has a prominent Inner Child who loves to connect and light up those around her through conversation.  Her enthusiasm is contagious!"


Many participants say how relaxed they feel as they listen and watch me create, and feel at ease to follow along through their own unique journey 

Mixed Media Collage simply means we can express ourselves through easily sourced images and craft materials from papers, wrapping papers, buttons, sequins, glitter, paint, ink
The Less You Know About Art, The Better This Works!

If you are a Counsellor and wish to experience Creativity & Therapeutic Art as Personal Development you can gain 18 Hours of CPD working through this eCourse


How Will You Benefit?  In So many ways... 

You do not have to be 'artistic' although I believe every one of us is an Artist

The less you know about Art the more effective my Approach tends to be

You will learn how to express yourself creatively using mixed media materials

You will learn how to tap in to your Intuition.

You will learn to really Listen to and Attend to Yourself, to Witness your Inner Child who may feel lost or forgotten

My Approach has a wonderful impact on the Relationship you have with Yourself

You will learn how to Let Go of unexpressed Feelings, Emotions, Somatic Experiences 

You will learn how our Fingers & Intuition work beautifully with our Unconscious

You will learn how powerful art making can be.  It can get to the heart of the matter whereby Talking Therapy  hasn't been able to reach without the need for words 


Most who undertake my ecourses tend to feel more Assertive and Confident in their Way of Being.  You may discover new levels of inner peace, reduced stress, a developing nurturing relationship with YOURself and seeking comfort, joy and calm as you discover how colour and images soothe your Mind and Nervous System 


What I have learned mostly over the years is, that through my Approach your Fingers, your Intuition will work through whatever you most Need at the time of creating.  

I generously Share My Self, my own Process and Life Stories in my videos.  My Stories span my Life demonstrating how our Inner Child is Present whatever our age. 
Many Participants say how 'generous' I am in my teaching and sharing with Openness and Honesty through my Creative Process.  I do this for a number of reasons; To be Congruent, Real, Authentic and also 'say' through demonstrating that I believe the more we Honour Our Stories with ourselves and others, the more others can Honour their own Stories and benefit too.
In the process of Honouring Our Stories and freeing others up to do the same, we reduce our Defences, reduce our Stress, our Anxiety, or Depression. We reduce our Somatic Sensations and our Pain, both physical and psychological.
The more we share, reveal and know ourselves, the more whole and complete we become which has an incredible 'knock on' effect in our Health and Well Being.

"She was a galaxy, not one planet. She was a forest, not one tree.

She was an ocean, not just one river.  

But the world had told her to close and be as small as could be.

But she woke up one day, longing for that little girl.

Who knew she was living in a small corner and not her entire inner world.

And so she slowly unlocked each door, deciding she wanted

to play, live, go wild, no longer hide. And that little girl was finally free,

the one who carried a dancing universe of galaxies, forests and oceans inside"

S C Lourie 


Please don't feel limited by my 'list' - please use any materials you wish


I work on Hardboard.  You may wish to work on mixed media paper, wallpaper lining or canvas

One or two photographs of younger You (optional)

Papers - such as  Craft Papers, wrapping papers, tissue gift wrap, old greetings cards
adult colouring-in books, old childrens books, magazines, travel brochures, old wallpaper
PVA school glue or Pebeo Gel Medium & a Glue brush
A few Acrylic Paints & Paint brushes (that just 'felt right' to me)
Glitters,  Sequins (I used lots of pink hearts),  Ribbons,
A broken 'heart' from a necklace - how symbolic that was!
An old rag, a container for water

A Journal or Notebook & Pen(s) to reflect in (optional)

I believe we are all artistic. Just look at the incredible expressive carvings in ancient caves.  It is an incredible form of sharing our stories and self expression. Art making is a deeply Healing Medicine. 
When we know ourselves more fully this enables us to Heal, become more Whole & Complete
In every adult there lurks a child - an eternal child, something that is always becoming, and calls for unceasing care, attention, and education. That is the part of the personality which wants to develop and become whole.   
Carl Jung, Analytical Psychology

When I created my Mixed Media Inner Child, I had no idea how my experience would unfold.

I've “attended” to my Inner Child within personal Therapy. I have also  “workshopped” her - rather impersonal with hindsight.  However, this time I truly wanted to connect with my Inner Child AND I wanted to do this My Way, through Expressive Mixed Media Art - a powerful combination of Love, Intention & Mixed Media. 

Mixed Media simply means we use all sorts of materials and this could be anything - even polyfilla!  Craft Papers, Magazines & Travel brochures, wrapping papers, gift tissue, old greetings cards, ribbons, buttons, glitter, sequins, Paint, Inks, Oil Pastels...

anything you and your Inner Child wishes to bring, just go for it!

My Unique Approach to Expressive Art has an incredible healing & therapeutic capacity that happens at a deep level.  Working with my Approach brings about an incredible, beautiful, touching and honest experience.

I wanted to make a deep connection with my Inner Child.  I wanted to let my Inner Child surprise me with who she truly is.  I wanted to Honour her Stories and meet her with Love.  I wanted to Accompany her Journey as her stories emerged.

Her journey will continue throughout my lifetime.  I believe she is always there, somewhere within no matter what age I am.  My Inner Child is wise and true to who I was born to become and I want to See and Listen to her wisdom.

As I worked through this experience, I realised that I Knew her Story in a Cognitive, Thinking way.  I felt many things for her, but I had not allowed myself to really meet and connect with her. 

Most of all, at last, I felt ready to Love her. This sent tingles through my Heart 

On reflection, I learned that I had spent time judging her, viewing her with Critical and Cultural eyes, analysing her coldly, Theoretically, but I had never truly met with her from my Heart & Soul.

I also realised that my Inner Child had not received all that she truly Needed to support her journey through childhood.  This is not a negative reflection of my Caregivers.  I believe that they did their very best for me with what they knew back then.  However today, through my learning and professional training, I know more and different and I want to offer my Inner Child all that I can give her, AND... as time passes and I learn more, I will also adapt and offer her that then, too.

I invite YOU to Honour YOUR Inner Child and welcome them into the World


Simply sign up below in the usual way

What You Will Gain:
...A series of Videos and Prompts to help guide and support you through my process 
...You will be able to watch most of my own journey as I share my process moment by moment with you
...Through my sharing and prompts you will learn how you can adopt my approach to relating with yourself reducing stress, anxiety and lifting mood

...Many say my videos replace my physical presence and they feel very connected to me even though they have never met me in person. They feel I am there alongside them
...Connect with me through my free online community group.  This is a gentle, compassionate and supportive group where we can meet, share our paintings as they emerge and share our experiences

...Deeply rich, creative, expressive art helps deepen your awareness of Self to live a more satisfying, joyful life

...I bring my own powerful brand of stress & anxiety reduction through a deeply mindful, meditative process in a unique and truly amazing way
Are you ready to Honour Your Inner Child? 
Sign up below for immediate access

I have created a number of Inner Child Paintings to discover more and heal more deeply - you can do this as many time as you wish and every single mixed media will be completely different depending on how you are at the time of creating and what is going on for you in your Life.


About Kassi...

My background is in Psychotherapy with a lifelong love of Art & Creativity

I am a prolific Therapeutic Course Creator with endless flow of ideas for more courses. 

I also Coach Creatives to Shine Brightly and Be Grounded Like Me  

My Coaching Program is full on, totally supportive because I want you to be Successful

and to release your Amazing Self & Passion into the World.

I help those who show up feeling emotionally 'messy' to Be Authentically Grounded Like Me.

I Believe my never-ending Fountain of Creativity & Ideas is my Gift to You and to the World

No matter how wobbly you feel, You CAN make Art and

I can Teach you How in my Loving, Relaxed Style of Teaching through self paced courses

You can develop Self Acceptance, Inner Calm, ease Anxiety, Stress & activate your Innate Capacity to Self Heal

I facilitate life change through Mixed Media Art & Intuitive Collage, Psycho-Ed courses, online Groups, Therapeutic Playshops and in person painting days in my studio in Scotland


In 2008 I created What Kind of Tree Am I? an Inspirational Tree Painting process which was a catalyst for all of my other online Art courses which I am So Proud of!

I Teach How your Fingers, Intuition & Innate Body Wisdom has the capacity to Heal at a deep, Unconscious level with or without the need for words and How you can Relate with yourself, transform Self Criticism, Doubt & Fear into Self Acceptance & Inner Calm so you can feel wonderful too

I Celebrate everyone as Unique and Individual on their own Journey  


Sign up below in the usual way for immediate access. 
Add me to your Contacts you won't miss my email  - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Duration: Lifetime
Price: £350.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
