
Goddess Unleashed

"I no longer feel alone!  I’ve experienced acceptance and understanding in the Goddess Unleashed group.  I never had this before. How much easier it is to work through problems in life when you have this acceptance and understanding.  I’ve gained support, which gives me confidence in my ability to work on my problems and issues. I believe in myself now; I have worthiness, I matter, and my feelings are valid, no matter what they are.  I’ve learned that working at my own pace is exactly the correct speed to work through things! Continuing at any pace is still continuing, no matter if it’s quick like a hare or slow like a tortoise.  If everyone learned what I am learning in Goddess Unleashed, the world would be a completely different place!
Kas is the most kind, caring, honest, trustworthy, intelligent and responsive Coach I’ve ever had.  Kas is knowledgeable, understanding, respectful, personal, connected, truly insightful and in tune with us all.  Kas knows that every person experiences things in different ways and she helps guide me to seek ways to find answers that make sense for me.  She doesn’t push and tell me which way to go – instead, she shows me possibilities of how I may be able to figure out which way to go and then, most importantly, she is there with me working through it until I find my way. Whatever level of help I need in the moment, Kas understands and is there. If I get stuck, if I need ideas, if I need peace, quiet, if I need to conquer feelings that weigh me down, or anything else at all, Kas is able to help, guide, comfort and more.
I don’t know how she does it, but Kas is adept at helping me, teaching me wonderful things, and teaching me HOW TO LEARN even more wonderful things, all at the same time!  What Kas achieves goes well beyond the old saying about teaching someone to fish feeds them for a lifetime. Kas would make sure I had a fish every day while she was helping to teach me to fish and then hang out and fish with me every day she was able to."

Goddess Unleashed

The Parts of Self "reorganisation" that you did within me has been wonderful.  I’ve written about it and thought about it as a large Organisation.  That organisation is me.  All the employees still have their jobs, but there is a new person in charge. A new CEO. That’s Hazel the Senior Sister who will lead that team to the highest heights of where she wants to be. The CEO will love and protect the rest of the Team, she will nurture them too... HOWEVER! She is the boss.  They all have their place in the organisation and will step up when needed, and appropriately.  Ultimately, the buck for the success of the business stops with Sister Hazel.  I’m REALLY taking care of Hazel Empathy, she’s gorgeous and wanted, but very taken advantage of! So CEO Sister Hazel won’t let that happen.  She’s keeping Hazel Empathy firstly for herself.  This Team is now Unstoppable!  I’ve employed the Best Therapist that exists on planet Earth, she’s called Kas Martin!  I’ll book another session soon kas, I absolutely mean business now.  Thank you so much Kas!  Love, Hazel

Unspoken Moments

"Kas creates a truly transformative space in "Unspoken Moments".  I've journeyed through aspects of myself, uncovering surprises and witnessing profound growth from past struggles.  Kas's safe and sacred environment fosters healing and insight, leading to powerful, 'aha' moments and letting go of old narratives.  I'm so grateful for the opportunity to continue this journey and highly recommend it to others seeking personal growth and healing.  Thank you Kas, for your care, guidance and bringing together women from around the world to express their Unspoken Moments"

Goddess Unleashed

"I've worked with Kas over many years and in many therapeutic ways. In person... in her beautiful studio... via text dialogue... and online in Goddess Unleashed.
This work has got me through some tough emotional times. Helped me make some BIG life decisions and changes. If you sign up, Kas is 100% in it with you. Working it through, to reach the best conclusions and decisions for YOU and vitally making deep change within YOU.  You feel differently, better, more alive and free. It is hard work, you have to be prepared to Do The Work... and if you Do The Work, she will be there and things for you will change. If you want them to of course!  I wanted things to change. I want more things to change. And I will continue to work on ME with Kas beside me.  She is wise, warm, knowledgeable and she is very real and genuine. Thank you Kas"

Hazel Goddess Unleashed

"Goddess Unleashed has made such a difference to me. Something inside has shifted! I feel more Awake and Alive than I have in years! I hadn't realised how dulled I felt until I began this process. You definitely do magic, KasStrange... nothing in my physical world has changed, yet everything seems different inside. Lighter! More present and ALIVEThanksI Love your work!" 

Paula Goddess Unleashed

"It's an amazing, safe community where I can be real and deal with my stuff.  I've worked through some prompts and therapeutic art exercises and have been journaling like never before.  There's been clarity and breakthroughs.  I highly recommend this to anyone who's ready to heal and become everything they are meant to be."

Donna Mae Goddess Unleashed

"Kas, I'm very excited, this is great work for me.  It is an awakening.  I feel energised to be seen and heard.  The ladies in this group are awesome, I want to hug everyone and say we are all in this together.  How many other women in the world are feeling the same way?  I would say billions!"

Clarity Coaching

"Kassi expertly highlighted the issues and gently supported me to call it all out. I've now left that toxic job. I'm so proud of myself and now have a better job! I was honest, assertive and kind. Kass you're a sexy Coach!!! You work wonders. I Love It! That massive weight is off my shoulders and I have clarity and liberation. Absolutely brilliant. Now I'm REALLY the Leading Lady of my Life. The love for what you do shines out of you Kassi. Thank you."

Goddess Unleashed in person

"Kas reaches inside of you... to places so deeply buried you don't even know they exist... she sets off a spark... a tingle that rises up and sort of clears out the debris inside... which allows the spark to become a flame...  Kas has en energy that is addictive... You just want more and more of it"

Creative Discovery Conversation

"I've met with Kassi for two of the Creative Discovery Conversations and taken three of her online ecourses. I can honestly say that I've not ever met with such a high quality mix of expertise and compassionate kindness in any other teacher or counsellor.  Kassi clearly knows her stuff and can communicate and instill confidence in her student with ease and grace.  But it was when we were talking personally together that her gifts of active listening and deep, deep compassion came through so deeply.  She listened and watched me carefully, noticing my responses and emotions and inviting me with great kindness to talk about them, or not.  I felt completely free at all times to confide my deepest thoughts as well as free to just wait and keep quiet.  It was comfortable to be quiet with Kassi.  There was never any pressure to talk or to disclose anything, but an open invitation at all times to just truly be who I am in the moment.  She would often check in to see how I was feeling and was humble enough to offer her input and then ask if that seemed to resonate with me.  She was always deeply respectful.  Her suggestions for follow up were very helpful.  I never got the feeling that she was the one with the answers, but I did feel accompanied in some difficult emotions with such gentleness and kindness.  Kassi also joined with me when I was having happy insights and much joy.  I think Kassi is a treasure in this World and I sincerely hope that those who need a listening ear combined with guidance for next steps will find Kassi and work with her."
Cat Charissage, Writer, Artist and Educator, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Many Online Courses

"Working with you Kas has been a wonderful experience Kas... when we met, I was coming out of an extended period of illness.  I was tired, vulnerable and I'd totally lost my creativity... now it's back with a veneance and I'm feeling so much better... your support, suggestions and gentle investigation have played no small part in that <3 thank you xxx"

Coaching for Creatives

"I was a practiced life long procrastinator, with a deeply frustrated longing to express a more colourful creativity, which has been securely locked up inside. 
In person sessions with Kas followed up by video calls in ealy lockdown, were key in finally allowing what was locked up inside to find creative expression on the outside. 
Two years on and I am already qualified to begin work in a colourful and creative industry.  If you are considering working with Kas, then go ahead and do it!  I am confident she can help you find the key to unlock your better future too."

Lots of Kassi's Courses!

"I started taking Kassi's Courses several months ago, and I can't stop!  Every course has been so fun, challenging, enlightening, and left me longing for more.  As an Expressive Art Therapist/Psychotherapist and Teacher for close to 30 years, I have worked with many talented students.  Kassi is one gifted Therapist, Artist & Teacher. Kassi is very Intuitive and just knows what I need before I do.  Many thanks dear Kassi!  You not only inspire me to make time to create on a more consistent basis, but that I need to honor my creative needs, and all the JOY art has and continues to bring to my life."
Kathy King, Expressive Art Psychotherapist,
Artist & Teacher, Providence, Rhode Island

Tracy - MANY courses in studio & online

"Kas has taught me to 'go with my gut' after a challenging change of direction in my life.  It was not easy and I had to take a leap of faith. With Kas's guidance, therapeutic intuitive art enabled me to make sense of what was happening, and often why; there were always good reasons for change, even if we may have been fearful of them. Today, I flourish. I thrive. My lifestyle is quite a bit different in someway and not so different in other ways - but more than ever I am in tune with my sense of self.  Kas's courses influence my own artistic practice as well as helping me to review the stage that I am at in the journey of life.  I know instinctively now when I need to create; draw, paint, collage for insight on matters that I am not clear on, for self care, or for my own work.  Recently I have just made a big decision regarding my own teaching again - I now feel and sense a big period of creativity; I am also going through menopause - not an easy time - creating intuitively helps me to relax and slow down and take care of myself; I am taking part in two exhibitions in the next couple of months and I feel very creative and excited about them. 
Why do one of Kas's courses?  I think they empower us.  Help us grow in self confidence. Teach us to value who we are and what we have to offer others. I'm certain you will take away a gift that will last and continue to teach you, encourage reflection and show that you are honouring your own unique native powers."

Honouring Our Story

I recently participated in Honouring Our Story. WHAT a Feeling it was putting it down on paper! I am not an over-emotional person but telling my story brought tears to my eyes and sitting with Kassi who is a very empathic person, made it so much easier as we talked over what I had done/been through in my Life. It felt wonderful! I can't recommend telling your Story enough, you will see what a life you have had and Kassi will Honour your Life with her Loving and Caring ways.

Therapeutic Coaching for Creatives

"I first went to see Kas after a devastating job loss.  She was subsequently there as a Counsellor through three traumatic bereavements.  As a Self Employed Artist, life is full of highs and lows.  Now I see her more as a Confidente and Enthusiastic Supporter of me and my Business.  I value highly our sessions, painting and chatting..."


Kas is a kind, intuitive and sensitive Therapist with a range of tools at her disposal for whatever arises in my private therapy sessions.  She has a flexibility and a personability and guides the recipient with a light touch.  She is always respectful of boundaries.  Warm yet professional.  Her creativity is what makes her exemplary as a Therapist.  She has shown me much compassion and been extremely generous with her time, meeting me exactly where I am with forbearance and a good sense of humour.  I honestly cannot say how I would have been without her help and I would recommend her to anybody experiencing Grief or mental health issues.  She walks the talk and has had similar life experiences which makes her help and advice meaningful and from the heart.  Top drawer Therapist!

Dear Joyful, Contented You

"Kassi, your videos are so rich with information it's like having a one on one therapy session in a quiet calm way as you create.  Your Course will be my 'go to' when I cannot seem to find a path to help myself.  I really have got so much out of listening to your lesson over and over.  Every sentence has a wealth of information for me to absorb into my Soul to help move all sorts in me.  You are so knowledgeable I want to integrate all I'm learning from you.  Thank you so, so much!"

Therapeutic Conversation

"She Cares - Kassi is compassionate, warm-hearted and insightful!
I enjoy looking at all the beautiful healing art pieces that people are creating in Kassi's art classes.  I was checking on her fb group and Kassi posted the question:
How are you?  I'd love to hear how you are!
I was stunned and took the opportunity to respond right away!  I was struggling with heartbreak and grief.  I was open and shared my feelings as I cried and typed.  Kas validated how I was feeling and reached out to me.  She was very kind to me.  Kassi worked with me in several sessions and was very generous with her time.  She helped me to see different perspectives and aspects of myself as we peered into an emotional painting that I had finished recently.  The process was very interesting.  This really helped me to see the beauty and hope in my situation and in my process of art making.  Much Gratitude to You Kassi"

What Kind Of Tree Am I?

"This was an amazing experience. I really enjoyed the process of creating my Tree with the helpful support of Kassi.  As well as being lots of fun it also gave me an opportunity to learn about myself.  Kassi is warm, respectful and a patient facilitator.  She is available when needed but lets you get on with it too.  Kassi has created a wonderful, supportive and creative environment in which to explore yourself through art.  Well worth doing.  In fact I did this course twice!"
Alan, Counsellor & Artist

What Kind of Tree Am I?

"I decided to take part in Kassi's What Kind Of Tree Am I? online painting course. Part of my work is Contentment Coaching and I thought I might pick up some tips for working with my own clients. I was totally unprepared for how powerful this would be on a personal level! I've discovered creativity I forgot I had, I've remembered how to play and I occasionally even win a battle with my Inner Critic! This course content is interesting, well presented and inspiring. The support from Kassi is gentle yet powerful. If you're wondering whether this course is for you, just go for it! You won't regret it!"

Donna Donna, Life Coach, Retreat Host, Author of The Practical Goddess Course - Book Coming Soon

Magic Squares Free Gift

I find it hard to sum up Kassi’s Magic Squares ecourse in just a few words as it has had a really fundamental and liberating effect on me!  I find it incredibly relaxing and a great stress reliever, and it has become a tool to use to deal with my everyday anxieties and stresses.  But greater than that, it inspired me to start keeping an art journal, using oil pastels, largely based on Magic Squares... I kind of took the theme and ran with it and it has become a means of checking in with myself and how I am emotionally.  It makes me feel very happy and content, I would go as far as to say I NEED to create in my art journal for my general Well Being.  On top of that it is giving me an enormous amount of pleasure.   

Dear Joyful, Contented You

Dear Joyful, Contented You was an eye-opener for me.  For a long time, I've been taking care of others, totally neglecting and losing myself.  With this Course I gave myself permission to listen to myself, my Body and my Needs.  It took me a while to begin the course because I didn't feel I mattered that much.  I was exhausted from taking care of and being there for everyone. With this process, I was able to visualize what I need to be there for me.  I was able to remember what kind of person I was and focus on how I want to be and feel.  Kas is amazingly generous and I specifically enjoy how she shares her own experience as she creates on video. Kas shares in a way that lets us know we are not the only one.  I really recommend this course if you truly want to focus on YOU, be there for yourself and be Present.  After completing my piece I felt like her, she needs her space to shine and relax ALONE. Thank you."

Honouring Our Story - FREE Gift

"I recently took part in 'Honouring our Story' facilitated by the wonderful Kassi Martin.  Yet again, the experience was more about the process than the end result.  It was interesting to note that by focusing on something for 30 minutes on my own (with Kassi available if needed) helped me get in touch with my Feelings.  Then being able to read through what I had written and talk with others about what had come up for me was really valuable.  Although this session was via Zoom it was still possible to gain a connection with others.  What I realised after the session ended was how some memories I had forgotten about came to the surface.  This was unexpected however it made me think about people, places and events I had not thought about in a long time. I enjoyed the experience and felt comfortable and supported. I would do it again. Well worth trying if you get the opportunity to."
Alan, Primary Care Counsellor

Intuitive Mixed Media

"I have worked with Kas on several projects and this was just as enjoyable and insightful as the others.  I love the Prompts and the permission to show up and play, and just be.  With Kas's gentle curious obserations and offerings of Prompts, Comments it has given me a deeper understanding of what shows up and how I could journey even deeper.  Thank you so much Kas, I am grateful, looking forward to the next one - feeling blessed."
Liz Gow, Counsellor & Supervisor

Themed Intuitive Mixed Media

"What always surprises me is Kassi's unstoppable Creativity and all of her courses are so well managed. This painting course guided me toward Introspection and to a kind of meditation about my Feelings. Each of the little 'frames' drove my attention to a deeper level. Initially, I was very doubtful about what I was going to create because it looked difficult to do, but I loved it so much!  Frame by frame, my attention to details was captured and my feelings felt magical.  It's difficult to explain what I felt while I was painting this small, yet massive, painting! I feel like Kassi is with me through her Videos, guiding us to a personal destination, even if it was just to enjoy and relax.  I have many things to say but not the space for that!  Each course is a new and unexpected discovery.  It helps to balance me when events happen and upset me in daily life.  Thank you Kassi"
Dalila Bellometti, Counsellor, Supervisor

Angel, Goddess, Me

"I was feeling lost for many reasons and needed a Focus. I'd had a demanding, varied, stressful, often-challenging Career in Nursing for 39 years and was ready to spread my Wings but felt exhausted.  I was in Search of something although I didn’t know what - A ‘Purpose’ perhaps.  I embarked on this art journey. And what an emotional journey, tears and laughter. Frustration and elation. Anger and joy with Intriguing Symbols which Kassi helped me to make sense of here and there.  I learned what a very harsh inner critic I had. A Critic that stopped me in my tracks - often. I had a great conversation with Kassi about an image in my painting that was projected onto me often. I really didn’t like it and did not belong to me. In the past I would have simply accepted that image because I was raised to be polite, pleasant and agreeable. I discovered my Anger which magically released me! I had no idea what a heavy lid had kept my Anger inside me all those years. I made a number of new decisions during this Painting process and the biggest was: I Am No Longer Prepared to Be Quiet and Accept Anything which Does Not Belong To Me!
I kept trying to give her a face but didn’t like what I saw. Lots of ‘not good enough’, because I’m not an artist I can’t paint beautiful eyes or a nose or mouth. Well not the way I wanted it to look anyway. I could have binned her! But I didn’t.
I trusted and pushed through that feeling and kept going. That was hard. But my Goddess was screaming at me.
"Keep going, do things your own way, don’t be stopped by the projections and criticisms of others - or my own"
My Goddess helped me to Separate myself from others. She helped me to stand alone. Stand out in the crowd. She helped me to stop hiding and be Me.  It’s been a wonderful piece of personal development work. A piece of work that’s helped to save me from my old, conditioned Self.  My Angel, Goddess, Me is finished now. She doesn’t have a face. She doesn’t need one. She represents to me - ‘Moving On’. And Acceptance. Acceptance of me Exactly As I Really Am!
I’ve also got a new focus. My own Skincare Business, which is so far removed from my very stressful previous job as a Advanced Nurse Practitioner. And I’m absolutely loving it.  I feel that I don’t need to hide because whatever people think of me - or say to me - I won’t simply accept it. I know for my self what I think and know about me and that is all I need. I am my own authority figure today! I have developed My Own Voice through my Goddess painting and from allowing myself to Sing once again.  I Am Embracing My Truest Self and it's Wonderful. Thank you so much Kassi xxx"

Hazel Anita

How Participants describe what I do

Kassi offers an opportunity to delve, explore and tell our stories through art whilst being seen, witnessed, valued and accepted.  An outlet for thoughts, feelings and experiences, which can help with understanding, making change and relaxation. Tracy
Kassi offers an invitation to delve deeper into our Thoughts and Feelings using art, with ongoing support, affirmation and encouragement. 
Jacqui du Rocher

"Kassi is supportive, empathic, full of encouragement, wise, respectful and non-judgmental.  She is an ally who provides what is needed and allows you the space to explore and learn."  Alan

"Kassi offers insightful, relaxing courses that give us a new perspective of ourselves." Dalila

"Kassi offers the guidance, encouragement & inspiration to explore your creativity in a safe and supportive space."  Meggie Moon

Paint the Tree of YOUR Life

"I would highly recommend Kas and her style and insight.  So much so that with a bit of luck Kas will be joining us at Serenity Retreat next year for a week!  I'm painting the Tree of My Life and I'm loving every minute of it (including the bits when I want to throw the whole bloody thing out of the window).  If you are interested in Mindfulness without formal meditation or ulocking the 'messing around and having fun' part of yourselves, then give this a go!"

Angel Wings Constellation

"I had the great fortune to stumble across Kassi and her beautiful ecourses recently and immediately started with Angel Wings Constellation.  Kassi's teaching method is wonderful, open, honest and informative.  I've found following her videos to be really easy and the instructions are crystal clear while also being completely open to your own personal interpretation.  There is no 'wrong' and Kassi makes sure to let you know that!  When I finished my Collage I sent it over to her and we had the most amazing chat.  Her insights were completely on the button and she shared them after asking if I would be happy for her to do so.  Kassi is such a lovely soul, I've said it already but I feel so fortunate to have found her and her amazing courses.  I've started on the Wildflowers one now and it's just lovely.  If you're wondering if the courses are for you I recommend going ahead and trying one.  You're worth it!"


Themed Intuitive Mixed Media

"When I put down the first markings of paint I went with my favorite colors and created a dark blue, green and orange pattern, full of contrast. I quite liked that and thought about how to place the following squares and rectangles of colourful 'saris' to fill the big white patches still left. Even though I was now trying hard to create a  pattern that pleases the eye, I felt more and more dissatisfied with what I was doing. The spread looked in a way boring, even mechanical. It didn't speak to me at all.   How hard could it be to arrange some colours on a piece of paper?
When I was actually at the brink of giving up on this painting, I listened more closely to Kassi's encouragments in her videos to explore my Feelings. I had thought that by applying my favourite colours and working away from there I would give my feelings a fair share in the process of creating. But my choice of colours had produced harsh lines and a somehow incoherent arrangement. While looking at the stark contrasts before me I suddenly remembered that red was my most beloved colour when I was a child. I actually painted lots of shelves, boxes, pencil-holders and other trinkets in my room with red oil paint  - much to the dismay of my Mother. I had completely forgotten about this. Driven by this memory, I started to add new, wamer tones, covering up patches in various places. This gave me beautiful shades and slowly I began to feel much more at ease. To my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed indulging in tones of red and oranges and all of a sudden the painting began to come together! Instead of merely adding patches one after the other I was weaving a carpet that made sense to me. The colours reeally connected. The markings I had added randomly seemed to stitch the tiny carpet pieces together. It was at that stage when I started to see my colour fields as little Prayer Rugs or Prayer Flags that unite into one strong voice. Their fringes overlapped, get tangled, merge, cohere and form a whole. Now I saw loads of overlaying carpets of different cultures that work beautifully together if we allow them to. That made me feel really happy and complete. Thank you ever so much Kassi for this inspirational experience."

Luscious Landscape

"Wow, what an explosion of Inspiration and Colour!  This Class was so much fun, instructions were clear and concise.  Even if you are not sure about your artistic talent, this Class is for You.  The end results are gorgeous"

Intuitive Collage

"I was truly awakened by Kass's Intuitive Collage course.  It was just an amazing experience from the very beginning.  I didn't really believe in online courses but a Reiki Healer I know recommended Kassi - so I took the plunge.  I wasn't disappointed.  Through my Intuitive Collage I realised that I have spent most of my life caring about everyone else but paying so little attention to me.  I felt so surprised to realise this, it was as if "I" me, myself wasn't on my horizon, as if I just didn't matter so this really was not only eye opening but much needed in terms of Self Care.  I am so pleased I found my way here and am already in the midst of my second course and feel very excited at all I am learning yet again.  I am Really looking forward to taking my new found art and creative skills to my Women's Circles which is mostly my focus now in my work.  Thank you so much Kassi you're a real gift!"

Lara Lee, Women's Healing Circles, Reiki & Crystal Healer

Releasing Feelings in Colour & Conversation with Kassi

"I recently connected with Kassi through an Expressive Arts facilitation group.  I was setting up a Well Being programme at my school and she gave me some wonderful ideas to try. Just chatting with Kassi made me feel a sense of peace and hope and also a feeling of positive determination. After watching Kassi’s You Tube experience - ‘An Art Project to Express Feelings about Coronavirus 2020’, I thought it looked great fun and probably just what I needed.  I struggle with anxiety and stress and have not been able to paint since becoming a teacher and then later a mum.  It was an ideal opportunity to go for it. I enjoyed using Kassi’s approach so much that I soon realised that whilst I was painting, I was smiling and dancing and feeling so free!!  It felt like the big rusty padlock that had been holding me back had broken free and let me go.  I also undertook Kassi’s Free ‘Expressing Feelings With Colour’ online course. It was quite mesmerising watching Kassi express herself through colour and mark-making, I knew I had to give it a go and it really was magical!  I decided to follow Kassi’s process to start with but soon my intuition took over and with it a release of Feelings - it was wonderfully uplifting, calming and freeing. Since then I have created a proper art studio space and have been out painting every day. I have kept in contact with Kassi throughout this new journey and she is always genuinely supportive and happy for me. Thank you, Kassi - you truly have a gift."

Amber Hughes, Art Teacher, Artist

Working With Kassi

"I find Kassie’s approach very freeing. Allowing me to really focus in on myself and so enabling me, to really see me. This allows me to grow from a core level.  It isn’t always comfortable, but Kassi's Approach recognises and acknowledges this. She gives guidance on how to be with my own Feelings without having to run and hide from them.  In doing so I notice the Feelings change. Calm.  Personal growth happens.  Her stories and prompts gently soothe and nudge me to keep going when I falter.  I often find Kassi's Life Stories strangely link to my own.  I identify with her experiences in life.  It’s as though she is in the room with me, gently soothing but also nudging me in caring ways when I falter.  Through working with Kassi I’ve become so much more self accepting.  Gentler with myself.  I’ve also learnt to slow down.  Having lived life at 100 miles an hour, I find her way gives me permission to take my foot off the accelerator which I know has really helped my physical and mental well being.  5 Star Recommendation!"

Hazel Cleminson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner

What Kind of Tree Am I?

"Who knew I could paint a picture, especially intuitively and from the heart! What a great experience.  I have recently completed the 6 week What Kind Of Tree Am I? online group offered by Kassi.  It was one of the most reflective and rewarding experiences I have had in a while, and would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a creative way to be introspective in an encouraging, safe and non-judgemental space.  My creative outlet has been photography, I had never painted before I decided to sign up for this course.  Though I was excited to try something new, I also felt quite anxious, my 'Inner Critic' tried very hard to convince me not to go through with it. I am so glad I decided to follow through.  With Kas's gentle support and encouragement, I came to trust my intuition more and put aside my 'Inner critic' to explore some things from my past and look toward the future.  The positive fedback from others in the group proved valuable as well and there was no pressure to paint at any given time or to share anything I didn't feel comfortable with.  It was a process for sure, but one that turned out to be both exciting and freeing!  AND I have a painting I'm very proud of that has a lot of meaning to me!  I feel inspired to paint more and to create more colour and discovery in my life.  Thank you so much for the opportunity Kassi!"

Nancy Cunningham, Canada

Many of Kassi's Courses

"I've been a Youth Worker & Young Person's Counsellor for many years.  I learned how to sit and be with another through Talking Therapy and some Psychodrama CPD.  Art and Creativity however had always been missing for me.  I wanted to include this in my work but always told myself I wasn't an Artist or remotely 'Arty' so I shied away from working this way.  Then I met Kassi by chance, introduced by a colleague.  Kassi totally opened up both my Inner world and my world of Work with young people through her art courses.  I was so nervous and remembered a Teacher in School told me "You should avoid anything artistic when career choosing." and she laughed at my attempt to work with Clay.  This was a painful and shameful experience for me as a 15 year old in a classroom full of others.  This stopped me doing anything creative, even though I always longed to.  So not only have I undertaken Kassi's courses for my own Personal Development it has given me the courage and support to introduce all of this in to my Practice as a Youth Worker and in my Counselling room.  I look around today at all my 'Tools' and feel really happy to see colourful art materials around me.  It's been an amazing journey so far Kassi thanks and I can't wait to start the next course!"


What Kind of Tree Am I? In Studio Painting Day

"I feel a little anxious at first; butterflies in my stomach. I’m drawn to a colour on the shelf, but I’m reluctant to start. Kassi notices my hands are behind my back and encourages me to open them out………. Immediately I grab the paint and go for it! Pat, pat, pat I create my background with a paintbrush. There’s no stopping me now! I’m drawn to striking tissue paper, wallpaper, ribbons and paints. I cut, rip, stick, dab and splatter onto to my background. Aspects within my creation evoke memories: A gentle eye - a precious friend from the past, Bones - family past and present Autumn leaves - old aspects of me falling away and nourishing new growth. Wavy oil pastels, roots form words, which are so pertinent to me.  Wow!  Bright spots – fruit pastels as a child Bold striking colours – 'feel too flamboyant', but that is me at my core. It has been hidden for a long time, but it’s still there, with nurturing it can grow again.  ‘My Tree of New Beginnings’ is finished…….. for now. And I absolutely love it!  I have a feeling there will be a lot of new growth to come! Thank you Kassi for an amazing experience at your studio. The day was chocked full of memories, interesting interpretations and aha moments. My friend and I enjoyed every minute. I’m booked onto another course already and I can’t wait!"


Lots of Kassi's Courses

"When I found Kassi I was feeling very downhearted and stressed. I felt I 'should' be happy and grateful to have such a good life; Car, Home, Married, Financial Security.  My children were older which brought more stress. I felt I had to do everything to keep the family running smoothly and had a responsible role in a large organisation. I found it hard to say 'No' and was a People Pleaser.  I've changed a lot. When Kassi suggested I paint, I thought it was a joke! How could painting help my Stress? But it helped hugely. I learned to relax and found I could think with clarity.  I learned what Being Mindful really means. I began to really see how I pleased others and tried so hard to be perfect. I started to make changes with Kassi's help and began to find time for me which was a first since becoming a Mother. I also discovered I love painting and have a little art collection now but most importantly I have changed so much and I am very happy!"

Saranne, Snr Nurse Practitioner, NHS


How I feel better after Counselling with you Kas:

"The empty and painful feeling inside has gone...  My cheeks and throat don’t hurt anymore...  I think the key is:  You listened...  You accepted...  You didn’t belittle...  You didn’t put me down...  You didn’t laugh at me...  And most importantly you noticed and didn’t ignore me...  And you helped me to really see how it’s important not to ignore myself...  Lessen my own feelings...  NOT be angry at myself for feeling my feelings...  And the thing you said about my love of Singing, Dancing and Acting, made me see how Judgmental I am of my own interests, because I heard someone being criticised for having those interests by influential others!  I am learning to Mother myself - it is so useful.  Thank you Kas x"

Rosie,  Bereavement Counsellor, NHS 

Angel, Goddess, Me

"I was immediately drawn to this course by its name & keen to get started, as I felt in need of some some time & healing for me.  I chose a small board & reflected how much smaller I felt now, compared to my youth. My left hand formed a circle on the canvas & wrote ‘Old’. I chose paints without hesitation & realised later they are the colours that remind me of my late parents.  I got ‘stuck’ on a couple of occasions, unable to take my Angel forwards. Kassi’s kind & gentle nudges helped me understand what was blocking my progress, acknowledge it & then let it go.
The Facebook group were very supportive too.  I covered the stubborn layer & I was transported to a fond memory of happy times. Some wise words comes to mind:
‘Life isn’t always colourful, it has many shades, but there is a lot to love..... if we take the time to look for it.  The next layer took my breath away, as I saw an image from my past within it. Following Kassi’s lead I drew around the image and allowed it to be seen. This helped.  More layers of intuitively chosen materials follow. Kassi’s advice to tune into our body when we feel stuck is so helpful. I realise the colours I have chosen relate to the areas of my body that I’ve tuned into.  My strongest sense from creating my Angel was to get out into the fresh air & make the most of nature.
Sounds like a good idea to me!  Thanks Kassi for another amazingly helpful course."

Tree of Letting Go

"Brilliant, fun, thought provoking... a 'Letting Go' of old thoughts and beliefs, and an opportunity to create new ones.  The realisation that my Past is simply a chapter (or two) in the story that is my life.  It doesn’t have to define the Future and New Decisions can be made anytime.  It was interesting to notice my inner battles and how I felt about the Trunk and my Curly Branches.  The multi coloured foliage was so much fun to create and so liberating.  This course and Kassi’s input taught me a lot about Accepting myself and things, just as they are."


Wildflowers Free Gift

Wildflowers was a really enjoyable course and the process allowed Parts of me out that didn’t used to get let out very often. It felt strange at first and tested my patience at having to wait for layers to dry but by the end it felt amazingly freeing. It felt wild, free and exciting ... not to mention messy ... which I never ever thought I would be able to ‘do’ or be ok with but I really enjoyed it! I was amazed with the end result and have since gone back and made 2 others in different colours.

Intuitive Collage

I am so pleased I have found my way to Kassi Marti.  Her e-courses that I’ve completed so far have all been easy to follow, intriguing, great value for money, good fun and hugely insightful.  If you’re thinking about enrolling, I would definitely recommend it.  Intuitive Collage is my favourite so far. It is in my opinion a very powerful self-help tool. I am impressed!  Early on in the course. I became ‘stuck’.  My inner critic convinced me that all I had was a bunch of meaningless images. Thankfully Kassi’s kindly worded prompts were just the nudge I needed; click, click, click like a combination lock it started to slot into place; all the images I had chosen were actually very meaningful to the issues in my life.  For my final two images waiting to be understood, Kassi suggested I ask my non-dominant hand to express the meanings. It worked!  Here are some of my findings:

-key words; hope, support, freedom
-the elephant in the room needed to be revealed
-two heads are needed to find the key to the problem 
-I can’t be liked by everyone, but even weeds are beautiful & they thrive regardless

Tree of Letting Go

I have undertaken a few of Kassi’s e-courses and have thoroughly enjoyed them all.  The Tree of Letting Go is no exception; the series of video clips is easy to follow, encourages self expression and is suitable for absolute beginners (which was good for me!).  It is exceptionally good value for money. I particularly enjoyed ‘tuning in’ to my body to decide what the Trunk & Branches should look like.  The strong, upright trunk gave me a feeling of strength, the wide open ‘arms’ of the branches spoke of the joy of being able to let go of the ‘baggage’ that they held.  On completion of the course I couldn’t believe the painting was my own work! I had painted my very own ‘Tree of Strength’.  I felt very proud of my painting, but I wanted the course to continue. Thankfully it can! I can paint more Trees Of Letting Go, to let go of more! I wonder what the next tree will be called... Thank you Kassi for another excellent course.

Magic Squares FREE Gift

Kassi’s 'Magic Squares' course was relaxing and enjoyable. It provided lots of reflection for me around the idea of boundaries/boxes and opportunities to explore and experiment with blurred lines/mixing colours. Once I had experienced creating squares it was then lots of fun to experiment with different shapes, colours etc which always seemed to end up reflecting my mood somehow.   I love how it requires so few resources and is portable so I can start or continue pretty much anywhere. It allows me to add little pockets of relaxation into my daily life whenever or wherever I need it.

Wild Flowers FREE Gift

A friend recommended Kassi to me.  I was a little apprehensive and I chose one of Kassi’s online courses ‘Letting Go’. I figured I had nothing to lose; only time.  I found the videos & prompts for reflection really informative & extremely helpful. I’ve not painted since school, so I followed step by step.

Coupled with this, Kassi provides continual, non-judgemental, support.  This was priceless. I felt supported & cared for.  I got to a road block in the Letting Go course; I discovered that I wasn’t ready to let go of some aspects of me. And that’s OK. There is plenty of time and I will return to it when I am ready.  Meanwhile I had rediscovered my love of art & was hungry for more. Kassi has many courses & all of them sounded appealing to me. I was struggling to choose, so again I played safe & opted for a free course; ‘WILDflowers’.  I felt excited to start & immediately watched it through from start to finish. I jumped straight in with the paints & found it hard to leave it long enough to let the paint dry! I had it finished in a few days!  This enthusiasm & energy in itself, is quite something for me at the moment. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process; the Wildflowers course, the self reflection in my journal, Kassi’s positive feedback & suggestions for further thought, and the optional Facebook group of like minded people. It has provided me with opportunities to reflect on my beliefs, strengthened my understanding & acceptance of myself & enlightened me to the affect that colour has on me.
I’ve also met Kassi in person at her Gretna studio for a 1:1 in person. She welcomed me warmly into her home & studio. The studio felt healing in itself; it is a kaleidoscope of colour, full of all her wonderful art work.  The session was a mix of talking, reflecting & creating art. Kassi devoted the whole 90 minutes solely to me. I found it incredible that my intuitive art reflected aspects of my life experiences. It is so interesting & enlightening. It was like holding a mirror up to myself; with Kassi’s support, holding the space for me.

It certainly stirred something up, as I had a good shop in Gateway Village afterwards, for lots of colour! That in itself is interesting as I hate shopping & rarely buy anything for myself.  I am looking forward to seeing Kassi again and enjoying more of her wonderful courses. And my journey with Wildflowers is not yet complete. I feel the need to create another, bigger painting! I’m off to start it now.

Intuitive Mixed Media

"I'm enjoying this course so much!  I feel wonderful when I'm creating through Kassi's courses - the sense of joy, freedom, adventure and playfulness is amazing. It's as if the paper becomes a space apart from anything else in my life, where I can do anything I want, and where I can practice being confident and assertive before I try it out in the external world.  In some ways I don't want this particular one to end but I'm also dying to get started on my next one!"

Jacqui Du Rocher, Reverend, former Hospital Chaplain, Spiritual Accompaniment Facilitator

What Kind Of Tree Am I?

"I took Kassi's Tree Painting course on the recommendation of a friend.  I'm so glad I did! I haven't done anything even close to painting for over 30 years and was anxious about 'making a mistake'.  One of the things I learned is that oftentimes a 'mistake' is simply the precursor to something very special.  A great metaphor for life!  Kassi is kind, generous, hugely compassionate and insightful.  The course was fun, occasionally challenging in a good way and enlightening.  I hope to be painting for many years to come.  Don't hesitate to do this - go for it!  Thanks Kassi"


Magic Squares Free Gift

"This was so easy to do because it was completely up to me what I did after drawing out the squares. I filled in squares at random, using oil pastels, with no worry about the outcome. It was so enjoyable and I then completed the squares and they were so colourful and vibrant and I felt proud of the outcome. Concentrating on the process removed any anxiety about the finished piece. I never realised how much I had  been thinking previously, about a finished painting/drawing. This activity freed me from prior expectations."


Magic Squares FREE eCourse

"I experienced a great deal through creating Magic Squares Kassi.   All in all it was a very therapeutic experience.  It was relaxing & calming. It was thought provoking; some frustrating traits were discovered in my Self because the squares helped me to reflect, but this helped me begin to change some of these traits.  It was thoroughly enjoyable and I made more than one!  Thank you x"

Letting Go 

"Letting Go
has been a truly inspiring experience.  I am in amazement at just how many of my life processes have emerged during Kassi's Creative Process and the learning and awareness that has opened up for me as a result ... what a journey. I opted to have a Process Discovery Conversation with Kassi which was supportive and insightful! Kassi is warm and empathic, and I've really valued her support and gentle encouragement."


In The Words of A Song

In The Words Of A Song is a wonderful, rich combination of music, art and reflective writing which fits together beautifully. With Kassi’s gentle support and encouragement as a compassionate “Witness”, and through the idea of taking a song, creating art intuitively, then writing about it, I was able to delve deeply into the memories, feelings and experiences of my past as they came alive in my art and writing.

They were then ‘let go’ as I created a new layer on top ... moving forward with a different level of awareness and acceptance.  There were challenges, resistance and tears along the way, but also smiles, amazing discoveries and acceptance. Through this process I have been introduced to new parts of my Self and seen old ‘forgotten’ parts develop in strength and resilience.  This course offers total control and freedom, both through song choices and the depth of exploration. I feel very attached to my final ‘image’ as it seems to be a very powerful, accurate reflection of where I find myself now and yet is built on all the previous, sometimes ‘rocky’ layers of my memories and experiences. 

Working With Kassi:
Each course/experience has been illuminating and provided wonderful new awareness. I have been able to see and ‘interact’ with so many different parts of Self that previously I didn’t even know existed! I always learn something new.

Working with Kassi in such a creative, reflective way has allowed me to experience myself and connection with another from a new perspective. No matter the depths I have travelled, Kassi has been supportive, unwavering and totally accepting and her presence has been invaluable ...a very precious thing to be able to offer. 

Honouring Your Inner Child

"This is the second course I've done with Kassi and I have enjoyed it so much. Honouring my inner child has opened a door I hadn't realised was there and it has lead to more doors opening. I am left with a feeling of gentle growth and curiosity. This course has deepened my trust in me. I am listening to my intuition and giving my feelings priority. I'm looking forward to doing another painting with this same process Honouring My Inner Child.  Kassi is a wonderful facilitator and has been a companion for my inner child as she lead us through step by step."

Andi, Artist

Intuitive Collage

"Intuitive Collage was so much more than I expected.  I took my time to gather items to play with for the collage which was so much fun.  I did not realise that I was collecting a number of images of me as a child that I did not have until about 2 years ago (now 57) and as I was gathering these items I was tapping into memories, fun, some not so fun so was being transported.  I did a little journalling alongside.  When I finally came to collage I was ready and in no time I had an amazing layered collage, which meant so much to me in terms of being more integrated with the different Parts of me.  I loved the process and what I have created.  I chose to have the Process Discovery Conversation with Kassi which was incredible.  As I journeyed I got to witness my Inner Child in such a proud, wonderful way, and got to honour her and my life's journey to date without even thinking too much about it. The Process was so Intuitive.  I feel more whole and Integrated somehow.  I want to do another.  I loved it.  Thank you so much Kassi."

Liz Gow, Counsellor, Supervisor, Yoga Teacher

Tree of 'Letting Go'

This has been a great course so far.  I haven't yet finished but have had some very interesting and exciting insights. I know I will be making quite a few Letting Go Trees over a course of time, as I delve deeper as there are many hidden things to Let Go of.   I definitely recommend Kassi's course, her enquiring Prompts are so helpful and always welcome even if it means looking at things you don't really want to. She is very respectful of what you have to say.

Intuitive Collage for Healing & Well Being

I enjoy all of Kassi’s courses and this was no exception.  My intuitive collage unfolded very naturally through a very well guided set of prompts and questions and demonstration videos.  I found myself being totally committed to the production of my collage and to the messages that arose as a result of delving deep into the layers of images and colours. I couldn’t stay away from my collage too long and each time I re-connected with it, I became totally absorbed in the process. It was a very healing experience.  I opted to have Kassi alongside me as I created in the interpretation of my collage, especially where areas of the collage had trouble speaking to me. Kassi uses a variety of strategies which enable you to interpret your visual work in a non-threatening, non-judgemental way that supports your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. Both laughter and crying (the latter I am particularly working on) are allowed to be welcomed.  I am always interested in Kassi’s courses as I know that I will further deepen my awareness of my sense of self and grow in ways that not only I will benefit from but also the people and the world with whom I engage with will too.

What Kind Of Tree Am I?

I feel very positive. This process has given me an opportunity to reflect on my Past experiences in a way that is very new to me. It has given me a new set of metaphors for reflecting on what is a very familiar story. One key result has been the acknowledgement that what has passed has influence but does not define the Present. I knew this to be true, but I am not sure it was truly felt until now.

Letting Go

When I did the Letting Go e-course, it made me think of how art parallels life, and I thoroughly enjoyed being free to create what felt good at the time. I have learned to slow down, hear myself and trust my intuition. Painting can reveal so much!
Thank you Kas

Paint The Tree of Your Life

I've recently participated on 'Paint The Tree of YOUR Life' online group with the fabulous Kassi facilitating. I can't recommend Kassi's courses and groups enough. It's not just about painting, it's about the those personal aspects of art making and what can come up while I work...  Sometimes difficult, often fun and very rewarding. As a result, I seem to emerge from these experiences with a renewed, refreshed vision for where I am heading with my life.  I love all these courses for my own personal and professional development. Thank you Kassi

Paint The Tree of YOUR Life

Working with Kassi is like looking in a very kind, loving and inspiring mirror. Kassi lets you see what's possible. She let's you see what's stopping you, she lets you see how you can change it, what's holding you back. Kassi supports you to change if you want to whilst gently looking after your deepest feelings. She helped me become the Best version of me that I can be. Through you Kassi, I discovered the artistic, creative me I didn't even know existed. I've discovered my passion for music, dancing, singing, painting and can't believe this bit...I might try amateur dramatics. All this got squashed out of me to take up a more "sensible and realistic career path". Thanks so very much Kassi xx

All of the courses I have done with You!

Kassi, your courses have helped me to redisover my love of making Art and are helping me to fight the negative voices that tell me I'm not an Artist.  They have also introduced me to an amazing tool for self reflection and self undrstanding.  You are so gentle and affirming in your approach and I love that you continue to support us as we progress on our journey with this.

Themed Intuitive Mixed Media

Kassi is a great Teacher who makes beautiful art. She doesn’t push you, or judge.  Kassi gently guides you and teaches you to be yourself by being present and kind.  Painting with Kassi has helped me process and express my feelings.  I couldn’t communicate what I felt very well until I started painting. I feel it slows me down so I have time to listen to my thoughts and feel my intuition.  I am proud of taking Part in this course, and I am grateful.

Wildflowers Free Gift

I followed this course after the Magic Squares and again the freedom to explore with shapes and colours was a joy because I couldn't get it wrong. The really exciting phase was adding my own background with cherry trees in blossom. This was because the course gave me confidence to go my own way without worrying that it wasn't "right"

Summer Wildflowers

While I've always recognised my innate creativity and it has emerged in lots of different ways, it wasn't until I began doing Kassi's online groups and classes that I have started using the visual arts in a joyous and meaningful way.  With Kas, I have learned to experiment without judgement and take pleasure in my intentions and in the happy accidents that happen along the way.  Painting Summer Wildflowers alongside Kassi in her online group has been an intensely joyful experience.  I have felt supported and nurtured throughout the process and was so pleased with the result, I am going to continue painting Summer Wildflowers.  I would really recommend this course to everyone.

Intuitive Collage Day - in Studio

Kassi, I absolutely loved today. It was so much fun, so relaxing, enlivening, and I adore your relaxed nurturing style.  You just hit the spot every time.  You notice so much and make it make sense.  I wish I could express it better.  You're a star!  I will absolutely cherish my collage, it's already taught me so much and as I look at it now I learn more...  A window inwards...  an open door...  'the authentic me'.  Thank you xx

Paint The Tree of YOUR Life

I would highly recommend this wonderful opportunity to experience Kassi's unique form of self-discovery and personal development through intuitive art and Paint The Tree of Your Life.  I love to work in an intuitive way and see a visual expression of my feelings.  I felt I got to know and undrstand myself a little better through each stage of creating the tree of my life.  Kassi supported my process throughout.  Her warmth and curiosity enabled me to deeply explore the images and my process.  The warm and non-judgemental environment has given me a sense of freedom from my more critical voices.

Angel, Goddess, Me

This may be my favourite of Kassi's courses so far ...I cried and laughed, struggled and celebrated my way through this, but I’ve loved it all. Kassi’s way of working, her Support and Acceptance is powerful and affirming. She encouraged me to find my own way of working which increased my confidence in trusting and following my own impulses - when I did this my Angel appeared easily.  My finished image means a lot and is a constant reminder to embrace the me that I am and to allow all of myself to emerge, especially my creative side.  It also reminds me to trust myself and follow my instincts.

Kassi's Studio Workshops

I've been to many of Kassi's painting days including What Kind of Tree Am I, Discover Your Inner Goddess & Intuitive Painting and benefited immensely.  Kassi has a warm, non-judgemental attitude. Her welcoming art studio is surrounded by her art. I haven't done anything arty or creative until now.  It doesn't matter though.
I've changed because of these workshops.  I value myself and my time so much more.  I've changed my working practices to include self care.  I was very burnt out with a demanding job as a Nurse Practitioner and spent time looking after everyone else.  What I didn't realise was how much I neglected myself and this made me very tired, irritable & resentful.  I value myself, and in doing so I now feel able to be there more fully for my family and my patients. I've created my own special space at home with treasured things around me in colours that make me feel good. I play music again. If I'm struggling I look at the paintings and remember what I learned.  I'm so glad that I found Kassi and her studio it truly has changed my life for the better.

Creative Therapy/Counselling

I thought there was something physically wrong with me a few years ago - I felt nervous - and when I spoke, I felt like I wasn’t making any sense. Half way through a sentence, I’d lose my confidence and want to stop talking. In fact, I didn’t even feel sure of what was coming out of my mouth and worried I was developing Alzheimer’s.  Working as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, I knew only too well how the NHS works, and how a story like mine may be viewed - I would be judged by them all.  I did not want to admit to anyone in the medical or nursing profession that I was struggling. I knew I would be viewed as weak.  It was my job to Help others - not the other way round!  I was never off sick.  Never complained. Listened endlessly to the struggles of others. Problems, illnesses, at work, socially and at home.  Kassi pointed out that I wasn’t weak. In fact I was very Strong and being so strong all these years had worn me out.  This helped me consider what was happening to me. Kassi shed light on a lot of things over the sessions.  She taught me a lot about Stress and Trauma and the Body which I didn't know. This helped me to join up the dots and make a more complete picture of the problem. I was so close to burn out at the time.  I know lots of people say they feel overwhelmed but I didn't know what it was physically to feel this way.  Kassi said it sounded like my Brain was stuffed full of cotton wool in all the crevices.  It Did! Exactly that! That was part of the Overwhelm. Unable to think clearly, process or feel very 'there'. Sort of distantly there.  The techniques Kassi gave me to use were instantly useful! I passed these on to my patients and it felt so good to do so, because I knew they really worked.  I rarely spoke about my difficulties to anyone. Very occasionally over a drink or two to a close friend.  I was very ashamed back then.  Although I was nervous, never seen a therapist before, I was absolutely astounded at how Kassi helped me to see that these symptoms were stress related.  After one session the nervous feelings when speaking, started to ease. I felt so heard. Really heard. The pressure began to ease off as I met with Kassi and I felt a bit better and a bit clearer as the weeks passed. Kassi has an amazing ability to see things in me that I couldn’t see. It did at times feel like magic.  I have had lots of sessions with Kassi. Sometimes it’s talking. Sometimes using her art materials. She has all sorts of other tools up her sleeves which she brings out as and when she feels I will benefit from them.  She just seems to know what will work best for me and now I trust her, I go with her ideas and they are so effective.  When I first began seeing Kassi she sensed I found it hard to say “No”. One of the first things she did was encourage me to say No to her. It was so hard to try to say No even when it was “arranged” between us. This made me realise how powerful the family 'rules' I'd learned when growing up were.  She helped me to process it, all of it, from simply preparing to say 'No' and all that happened in my body, so I could finally say 'No' and not feel anxious or go bright red.

Then I actually began to say 'No' at work. Whist working with Kassi I always felt cared for and respected. Like I really mattered. My feelings mattered. They were 'allowed'. For a very long time Feelings had been treated as if they were 'bad' and to be avoided, not just at work but at home and when I was a young girl too. I just did what I was told to do because I was a good girl and liked to please everyone. I never caused a fuss even when I was being walked all over.  As my Feelings were now “allowed”, they seemed to gain perspective for me. Through working with Kassi I really learnt to look after myself. I learnt that looking after myself was okay. In fact it was essential. I was able to allow others to have their feelings too. In fact, I now LOVE Feelings!  It didn’t make me any less kind, considerate or empathic. It didn’t make me a worst parent or a worse partner or a worse Nurse. In fact, it made me better at all of those things because I now had something of me to Give. My children, now grown ups, are doing very well for themselves. They learnt and mirrored my behaviour. I’m so proud of them. We all support each other. They are amazing young women. I look back at how I was at their age with sorrow. I was a 'yes' person that everyone liked. I never put myself first. Kassi asked me where I was on my 'list' but sadly I wasn't even on my list back then. I can't believe how badly I treated myself.

My girls are high up on their own lists. I'm so proud. They speak up and speak out, ask questions and challenge. They astound me!  The challenge of their teenage years was difficult. Kassi helped me to manage and find my way through, staying boundaried which I think Really helped my girls most. It wasn't easy, you have to be prepared to put the work in yourself if you want your life to change for the better. However, Kassi is an enlightening, knowledgeable and strong guide for me. Never faltering - it’s very do-able. I really have never looked back. I feel better. I sleep better. I enjoy life much more. The difficult times are so much easier to cope with and process.

In the beginning I had quite a few sessions. Latterly they reduced as I felt better. I still have occasional sessions when I feel I need one. It’s much better than a shopping trip or a new handbag. I love working with Kassi in her studio. The best money I have ever spent.  I am eternally grateful to her for literally changing my life. I can hear Kassi's voice saying “No, you changed your own life, I witnessed it! I’ve got more confidence. My self esteem has improved. I’ve lost weight because I actually enjoy taking care of myself. I’m mentally and physically fitter than I've ever been.  I’ve loved writing this testimonial Kassi - it’s been a great reminder for me of just how far I’ve come with you beside me, sometimes in that roller coaster car - thank you!

Lots of love and gratitude, Rosie xx

Feedback for Kassi

Kassi when you share your process, imagery and story it helps bring your whole process to life. I've seen many of my own stories expressed in my Art and is very empowering. Having permission to own my stories and vulnerability with my art has allowed me to find the place where I am now, which is about giving myself permission to find out more about me and for this experience, I am really grateful.


It took me a long time to commit to counselling but when I met Kassi I warmed to her straight away. She is so positive and supportive. She is gentle and caring but strong when she needs to be. She has been a non-judgemental allie on my challenging therapeutic journey.

Paint The Tree of Your Life

When I first saw Kassi’s tree painting course I wondered what crazy world I had stumbled upon, but something drew me to signing up to find out! As I’m too far away to go to the studio I made use of the online course... what an amazing experience! Kassi's videos lead me step by step through creating my own amazing tree; I was amazed at the depth of emotional experiencing that came up and my “mark making” sent me in directions I never expected. I felt challenged and held and understood, it was an incredibly moving experience... now I can't stop painting trees! Thank you so much Kassi

Paint The Tree of YOUR Life

Kassi's Paint The Tree of YOUR Life is a beautiful journey of healing and self-discovery. Through her caring and empathic curiosity, Kas provides respect and support for whatever level of sharing and 'opening up' you feel comfortable with. It's a magical process of traversing through your own inner 'forest' as your beautiful tree unfolds the treasures that await your heart. I would encourage you to consider her class.  Kassi's gift as an Artist and Therapist and the loving, private classmate-shared experience touched me deeply.

All The Courses I've Done With You Kassi

I've attended Many Painting courses in Kassi's little garden Studio and Love them all. Kassi always gets what I want to say... even without words and when I don't understand myself.  Kassi has a magical little art studio where miracles happen and dreams come true. My life has been totally transformed by Kassi and all of her workshops and courses. I can't believe the changes I've made and how wonderful I feel about my life today. Don't think about this for long, just Do It!! 

Self Care Coaching

Thank you so much Kas, I knew I was experiencing tension headaches but I didn't realise that all the other pain in my body was due to all the stress of my work and family life.  I now feel much better in how I deal with people and pressures at work which has not only lessened my pain but made me feel much more tolerant of family demands - there are so many of those every day. I like how I've learned to listen to myself now and that's down to you! I used to think I had to be tough and rough on me otherwise I'd just lie around the house and do nothing but now I speak to myself more kindly I actually do lots and have loads of energy.  I think my inner critical voice was so harsh I was Depressed. I know I can check in with you any time I need but right now I'm doing really great.  thank you.

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
