E-Courses Paid

aka Star! Tree of YOUR Life!

aka Star! Tree of YOUR Life!

Paint The Tree of YOUR Life

Come on in and DREAM BIG!!!

Allow me to lovingly and generously lead you through my hugely popular 7 stage process in my own special way. 

I'm a Therapist & Artist and Teach by Leading, Sharing in my gentle, empathic but juicy way... 

This means those who learn alongside me can hear and watch whilst creating and learn, Experientially.

This is a wonderful way of Learning.  It is solid and thorough.

I don't offer 'copy cat' art courses. 

This is NOT an everyday art course - Not how to paint a pretty picture... nor Do as I say...    

I offer unique processes which enable YOU to be and learn Who YOU Truly Are and Celebrate this!


This costs less than four hourly therapeutic sessions with me and you get SO much!  You can work through this process more than once...  many times in fact...  each painting will offer you a unique experience!


Being "Talked At" is not an ideal way to learn for many of us...  we need to experience.  This isn't like 'school'.

Your Painting is going to be COMPLETELY Unique.  It will not look like  mine or any one else's in the world.  

Nobody has lived your life, had your experiences, felt your feelings or shares your DNA. 

Your Tree (any hopefully many others that you paint) WILL reflect YOU 100%.

The Stories from your Life which are pressing to be told, will emerge as you work your way through my Process.

Each time you work through this process whether monthly or annually, a totally different painting will emerge and the Stories from your Life which Need to be told, will be expressed through your finger tips using colour and texture.

You do not need to be a painter to participate.

In fact, the less you know about art making, the better this works!
For those who do know about art, you will be invited to Let Go of those 'rules' which may be holding you back from your true artist Self.

 Every one who works through my process learns so much and themes from their Life make themselves known to us.  We can become more aware, we can embrace these and we can make new decisions in the form of imagination, hopes and dreams.

This process has encouraged and challenged me strongly to finally own who I am and truly be me!
It has been a rich, emotional and wonderful experience.  It always is.
I am truly grateful for every single unique Tree that comes into being, and all that I learn, as I work through my Process - no matter how many times I do this.


I am thrilled that you are here and about to embark on my very exciting and often life changing experience.  I gently lead and guide you through this 7 Stage Process, my videos will demonstrate Exactly how I tackle the simple process and I share very openly and generously, which allows YOU to learn, experientially, by following as you create your very own unique mixed media Tree of Life.

I feel sure it will be amazing!

I am never far away and you can connect with me in my online group


I invite you to Let Go and Unleash yourself during my wonderful process.  We can acknowledge our Ancestors and our Past, accept our Present and Imagine our Hopes & Dreams! 

I lovingly and gently lead you through the entire process personally so you can relate to the process and learn experientially as YOU create your Tree of Life. 

You don't have to "Know..."  this will happen intuitively and simply.

No matter how often you choose to work through this process, a totally different Tree will emerge.

You don't need to know about art making to participate.  You may not have painted since school days.

And for those who Do know about Art, you will be invited to Let Go of those 'rules' which may be holding you back from your true artist Self and voice.

My work aims to Unleash You and enable you to find Your True Voice

You will develop your self esteem, confidence, self acceptance and sense of Self.

The relationship you have with yourself and others will develop so positively 


Whether you work on canvas, board or wallpaper - this will be the Container which holds a Sacred Space to express ourselves in real, gritty, raw, true ways that will offer catharsis (release) and Healing.  Working this way, allows us to commit to the process and allow whatever needs to emerge, to channel through us and onto our substrate.

I invite you to choose the size of canvas intuitively.  REALLY!  I mean this.

Just sense the size of your board or canvas your TREE needs to be birthed upon - and buy it.  Don't hold backl  It maybe needs to be BIG!  You have probably lived a little while and experienced a whole lot en route! 

If you have never bought a canvas before... choose it confidently and strut out of the store proudly.  You're going to Paint The Tree of YOUR Life!

I want you to Embrace and Enjoy this entire experience!


This is an incredible opportunity to be see, hear and witness your self - something which does not happen very often in the World where we tend to take care of everyone else and we are put to the bottom of the list.

I teach how to fearlessly accompany yourself.  I teach empathy, resonance, acceptance and a relational experience you probably have never had with yourself before.  You can watch me in action in all my videos - leading the way, modelling to you special relational skills. 

Each time we work through my 7 stage process, a different experience takes place. 

Different stories from our Life emerges bringing self awareness and learning.

This Painting was no exception!

This Tree has encouraged and challenged me to finally own who I Truly am - who I was born to be - Star - and so I have called this particular Tree painting - "aka Star"

You will find out all about my journey as you participate in my videos.


"I feel like I'm right there with you Kas in your videos as you speak and paint." (Ange)


I'm never far away and you can connect with me in my FREE online community group

I am very responsive and will 'meet' with you there

I intend offering this particular process in small online groups too. 

You can find out more about these groups from my blogs which I email out occasionally.

One to One Experience with Kassi
If you would like a very special one to one experience, you may be working through a really sticky issue or trying to make a BIG Life Decision or Transformational Change - reach out, email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

we can get this organised quickly and easily.


THIS is a very special experience which - if you embrace Fully - you will find your truest self, you will be expressive and real and honest, you will share how things have been and imagine how things CAN be!  I want you to embrace the Whole Experience fully!

Your TREE painting is going to be amazing!

love Kassi

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About Kassi...

My background is in Psychotherapy & Coaching with a lifelong love of Art & Creativity

I am a prolific Therapeutic Course Creator with endless flow of ideas for more courses. 

I also Coach Successful Creatives to Shine Brightly and Be Grounded Like Me to enhance their own Biz 

My Coaching Program is full on, totally supportive because I want you to be Successful

and to release your Amazing Self & Passion into the World


I help those who feel emotionally 'messy' to show up and Be Authentically Grounded Like Me.

I Believe my never-ending Fountain of Creativity & Ideas is my Gift to You and to the World

No matter how wobbly you feel, You CAN make Art and

I can Teach you How in my Loving, Relaxed Style of Teaching through self paced courses

which not only teach you how to be arty but are full of Coaching & Therapeutic Tips for happier living!

You can develop Self Acceptance, Inner Calm, ease Anxiety, Stress & activate your Innate Capacity to Self Heal

I facilitate life change through Mixed Media Art & Intuitive Collage, Psycho-Ed/coaching tips, online Groups, Therapeutic Playshops and in person painting days in my studio in Scotland

I Teach How your Fingers, Intuition & Innate Body Wisdom has the capacity to Heal at a deep, Unconscious level with or without the need for words and How you can Relate with yourself, transform Self Criticism, Doubt & Fear into Self Acceptance & Inner Calm so you can feel wonderful too

I Celebrate everyone as Unique and Individual on their own Journey   



Sign up below for immediate access to your course


Duration: Lifetime
Price: £199.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
