E-Courses Paid

Autumnal Collage

Autumnal Collage

Every Intuitive Collage you make will be a completely unique expression of  yourself, sharing parts of your Life Story without having to say a word.

Intuitive, Meditative, Mindful, Healing & Deeply Transformational

Just as we each have our own unique DNA and Finger Print, your Intuitive Collage will not look anything like anyone else's in the world.  No matter how many of these you make...

and you could make many, each will be unique using my Process.

It isn't about 'Producing Beautiful Art', it's about the Process you go through as you create and the learning and growth that happens as you do.

I will teach you how to let your Fingers, Intuition and Body Wisdom tell your Story. 

When we create in this way, we have an Inner Dialogue.  It's like having a conversation with our self. 

Some of us feel a bit 'odd' about admitting our inner dialogue but we all do it.  We all chatter away about 'don't forget to buy milk on the way home' and we also share our deeper thoughts and feelings.  When we create using my approach, you will learn how you can share your inner truths and really listen.  We often don't pay much attention to ourselves within.  When we do listen to ourselves however magical things can happen!  We begin to feel more confident and less anxious, less stressed, in a happier mood.  

Your Intuitive Collage will 'speak' deeply To and For You. 

Your Fingers, Intuition, Impulses and Body Wisdom lead the way.

You do not need to know How to create a collage, nor do you need to be an 'Artist'.  I'm there alongside you, on video, gently leading you through my unique process, encouraging you to Trust your Fingers and your Intuition.  It is a wonderful, enlivening, enlightening and exciting process! 

Each of my Videos is accompanied by a Reflective Prompt, rich and creative ideas to get your juices flowing as you consider and reflect upon your collage.  If you do not wish to engage with my Prompts you don't have to.


Liz says:  "Intuitive Collage was so much more than I expected.  I took my time to gather items to play with for the collage which was so much fun.  I did not realise that I was collecting a number of images of me as a child that I did not have until about 2 years ago (now 57) and as I was gathering these items I was tapping into memories, fun, some not so fun so was being transported.  I did a little journaling alongside. 

When I finally came to collage I was ready and in no time I had an amazing layered collage, which meant so much to me in terms of being more integrated with the different Parts of me.  I loved the process and what I have created.  The reflective Conversation with Kassi after, was incredible and as I journeyed I got to witness my inner child in such a proud, wonderful way, and got to honour her and my life's journey to date without even thinking too much about it.  
The process was so intuitive.  I feel more whole, integrated some how.  I want to do another.  I loved it.  Thank you so much Kassi." 


If you feel Inspired & ready to start - scroll down to sign up below and get started immediately!  

We don't need much to create our Collage.  Glue, magazines, old greetings cards, travel brochures, wrapping paper, buttons, glitter, photocopies of yourself at any age or others who are important to you, ribbons, craft papers...  whatever you have to hand.  As you select cuttings do your best to accept your gut instinct.  You may have no idea why you chose a particular picture or word, I am confident it will become apparent as you create your collage however.

I share my own creative process throughout a series of gently paced videos which teaches you how to create and reflect upon your own unique Intuitive Collage that 'speaks' of You & Your Life.


Tracy says:   "I enjoy all of Kassi’s courses and this was no exception.  My intuitive collage unfolded very naturally through a very well guided set of prompts and questions and videos.  I found myself being totally committed to my Collage and to the messages that arose as a result of delving deep into the layers of images and colours.  I couldn’t stay away from my Collage too long and each time I re-connected with it, I became totally absorbed in the process. It was a very healing experience."


Materials You Could Use:  (absolutely anything you want!!!)

Sturdy Paper for wet or dry materials

Alternatively; hardboard, canvas board or Perspex of any size that feels just right

A Journal/Notebook & Pen to reflect personal insights (optional)

Photocopies/Photos of Self, Loved Ones, Pets

PVA glue or Pebeo Gel Medium

Gel Pens or Uni Posca Pens (optional)

Magazines, travel brochures, Colouring In Books, Wrapping Paper, Craft Paper, birthday cards,

tissue paper, art mags, Craft Ribbons, Buttons, Beads, Glitter, Birds, Stars, Hearts, Sequins

Glue Brush & one or two Paint brushes

2 or 3 Acrylic Paints that appeal to you 


Wear comfy old clothes


What You Will Gain:

...Experience the therapeutic value Intuitive Collage can bring to your Life

...Develop new Expressive Art Skills & Knowledge

...Learn how to switch off Planning & Thinking and trust your Fingers to lead the way

...Celebrate & Acknowledge the Parts of your Self which emerge during the process 

...Learn to Trust your Intuition and Impulses which develops our confidence in everyday life 

...Slow things down, relaxing deeply and listening to the Wisdom of Your Body

...Express your feelings, emotions & thoughts through images that form your Collage

...Gaze in to your Intuitive Collage and feel an Inner Peace as you see Yourself and Life in there

...Learn how to dialogue between Parts of the Collage to learn what messages your Art has for you

...Experience Therapeutic value in tearing, gluing & building an overall picture that tells your story

...Let Go of the need to know or be perfect which causes tension and stress within

...Trust your intuition helping you feel less stressed and more at ease in your own skin

...As we find ourselves within our art, we Accept our Selves more fully with huge benefits  

...Slow things down, relaxing deeply and listening to the Wisdom of Your Body

...Develop Self Awareness through this process

...Express your feelings, emotions & thoughts through images that form your Collage


Sign up below and get started with immediate Access


About Kassi...

My background is in Psychotherapy with a lifelong love of Art & Creativity

I am a prolific Therapeutic Course Creator with endless flow of ideas for more courses. 

I also Coach Creatives to Shine Brightly and Be Grounded Like Me  

My Coaching Program is full on, totally supportive because I want you to be Successful

and to release your Amazing Self & Passion into the World.

I help those who show up feeling emotionally 'messy' to Be Authentically Grounded Like Me.

I Believe my never-ending Fountain of Creativity & Ideas is my Gift to You and to the World

No matter how wobbly you feel, You CAN make Art and

I can Teach you How in my Loving, Relaxed Style of Teaching through self paced courses

You can develop Self Acceptance, Inner Calm, ease Anxiety, Stress & activate your Innate Capacity to Self Heal

I facilitate life change through Mixed Media Art & Intuitive Collage, Psycho-Ed courses, online Groups, Therapeutic Playshops and in person painting days in my studio in Scotland


In 2008 I created What Kind of Tree Am I? an Inspirational Tree Painting process which was a catalyst for all of my other online Art courses which I am So Proud of!

I Teach How your Fingers, Intuition & Innate Body Wisdom has the capacity to Heal at a deep, Unconscious level with or without the need for words and How you can Relate with yourself, transform Self Criticism, Doubt & Fear into Self Acceptance & Inner Calm so you can feel wonderful too

I Celebrate everyone as Unique and Individual on their own Journey  


Sign up below in the usual way for immediate access
Add - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your Contacts you won't miss my email 
Duration: Lifetime
Price: £99.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
