E-Courses Paid

Delving Into my Shadow

Delving Into my Shadow

Welcome to Delving into my Shadow

I am so glad you are here! 

My Raw & Gritty Art Approach invites us to get to know ourselves, heal and grow and is so exciting.  I love everything that comes out of these processes and this one has been no different!

I began in my usual way... allowing space and trusting in my fingers and my intuition to gather up all the objects and materials I would need for this process.

When I begin I have no idea what I am going to create other than, raw and gritty art which will speak deeply for me and about my life and enable me to grow and become closer to who I truly am.

I won't say too much as it is all there on the videos below...

I want to really encourage you to also do the same... to just allow space, allow you fingers, your gut instinct and intuition to go wandering around all your art materials and bring back anything that just grabs your interest, without knowing why.

This is a wonderful way to allow our Unconscious to reveal interesting and intriguing information to flow into our awareness which I believe lets us know ourselves more fully.  The more we know ourselves, and the more we can fully accept ourselves with love and empathy, we can grow, we can reduce stress and anxiety, we can feel more complete and whole, as our truest, most authentic Self.

This is a beautiful thing!

I cannot stress enough to go slowly...  there is no rush and please listen gently and with love and respect and empathy to yourself.

Play music, sing and move around and journal.  Take your self care seriously.  Sip water or lovely herbal teas.  Pace yourself...

When you are watching my videos, please listen to what I say as they are rich with many years of Therapeutic and Coaching knowledge and wisdom in here for you.

Take what fits and disregard what doesn't.

You could join my free community and connect with me there.
You can upload your images from the courses, share process and journaling,
tag me and I will meet you there!

I LOVE to see what you have been creating and if you would rather send an email with images, that is fine, I will reply.  Sometimes mail pops into junk or spam and I do check this regularly. 

Thank you for being here!  I want you to have a wonderful time.

Take good care of you and do reach out if you need me,



Duration: Lifetime
Price: £99.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
