E-Courses Paid

Dear Joyful, Contented You

Dear Joyful, Contented You

Welcome to Dear Joyful, Contented You

a Mini Therapeutic Art Course

 Your painting will be completely unique in colour, shape and texture to mine...  Each one of us who engages and embraces this process WILL create a unique painting - I LOVE This!

When we Listen to ourselves with Empathy and Acceptance this transforms us completely! 

You may wish to simply create ...and if you’re curious there is scope to engage with my Reflective Prompts within my videos to help you dig a little deeper in to your Creative Process, its Symbols and most importantly, Your Self!


You can participate again and again, monthly, weekly or every day if you wish building up a beautiful Visual Diary, creatively documenting your journey!

Please don't be afraid... because the more we Feel, the more we Heal.

We develop our Self Awareness which Reduces Stress & Anxiety,

lifts Mood, and brings Joy & Contentment!


We rarely listen to ourselves because we've been raised to pay attention to everyone else. 

We are taught to put everyone before our own Needs and this often leads to depletion, exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, pain, stress & depression. 

We build up tension in our body, in our neck, our back, jaw, head and suffer migraines and mood swings.  Your body may be screaming at you to take notice of yourself.  I can help teach you how to take notice of YOU and ease your Stress.


Lilly said:  "I had no idea how much I ignored myself!  When I allowed my self to speak through my Painting I learned how much I had neglected myself.  I was causing myself pain!!  Kassi you've helped me Listen to my Self and now I listen every day!"


I will encourage you to Trust your impulses and intuition, to allow your Body to lead the way which will in turn allow your Self Confidence and Esteem to increase and grow.  You may find your aches and fatigue will melt away and bring you ease.  The more we ignore ourselves and put others before us, the worse we feel.


Another participant said:

"Dear Joyful, Contented You was an eye-opener.  For a long time, I've been taking care of others, totally neglecting and losing myself.  I learned how to give myself permission to listen to myself, my Body and Needs.  I didn't begin the course straight away because I didn't feel I mattered that much.  I was exhausted from taking care of and being there for everyone.  I was able to visualize what I need to be there for me.  I could remember what kind of person I was and focus on how I want to be and feel.  Kas is amazingly generous and I enjoy how she shares her own experience as she creates. Kas shares in a way that lets us know we are not the only one.  I recommend this course if you truly want to focus on YOU, be there for yourself and be Present."


I wonder if you are aware that we tend to 'Collect Resentment Stamps' and every now and again we might have an explosion and cash those 'stamps' in! This could come in the form of raised voices or even breaking something!  This is because we have a built up of stressful events and don't let them out as they occur.  I can teach you all about this!

We feel second best and unloved and this is mostly because we put ourselves After everyone else.  We drop everything to help, to take care of, to ease the stress of others and in that process we forsake ourselves.

Change this through my Painting process!


Your Painting will be totally unique to who you are.  You can download my image and make a copy to work from or allow your own Joyful, Contented You to emerge from within.

Your fingers know how, we just need to get out of their way!

Let's allow our fingers to express whatever needs to flow through you from deep inside.  We don't need to know, we don't need words, thinking or planning.  With my Therapeutic Approach, we can Trust our Unconscious Process to float up through our fingers and emerge on to your paper.


Deborah says:  "Kassi, your videos are so rich with information in a quiet calm way as you create. Your eCourse will be my 'go to' when I cannot seem to find a path to help myself.  I really have got so much out of listening to your lesson over and over.  Every sentence has a wealth of information for me to absorb into my Soul to help move all sorts in me.  You are so knowledgeable I want to integrate all I'm learning from you.  Thank you so, so much!" 


I've combined years of Psychotherapy Training with my love of Art Making to create my very own Therapeutic Art Process which is completely unique!

You won't find Courses like mine anywhere else in the world.



What can Art making do for you?

When we create art it is a form of Meditation.  We shift down the gears, slowing everything down in our Nervous System enabling deep healing to take place in our Immune System. 

We hear ourselves, we grow, we learn, we solve our problems.  We feel joyous and free.  We feel emotions, we project onto symbols and express our truth.  We really see ourselves and heal. 

We boost our self esteem and confidence, we relieve tension and stress which eases pain. 

We distract ourselves, it is a form of self help and self care.  We communicate without the need for words.  We develop our self awareness, reducing anxiety and stress in the process.  Our Unconscious has an outlet for expressing our emotions, easing pain and somatic experiences.

There is a huge body of Research demonstrating just how wonderful making art is for our Health, our Mental Health and Well being as well as being fun and relaxing.

With all these amazing benefits... and no need to be 'artistic'... all you need is to be open to the experience and notice what happens.


Sign up is below for immediate lifelong Access 



About Kassi...

My background is in Psychotherapy & Coaching with a lifelong love of Art & Creativity

I am a prolific Therapeutic Course Creator with endless flow of ideas for more courses. 

I also Coach Successful Creatives to Shine Brightly and Be Grounded Like Me to enhance their own Biz 

My Coaching Program is full on, totally supportive because I want you to be Successful

and to release your Amazing Self & Passion into the World


I help those who feel emotionally 'messy' to show up and Be Authentically Grounded Like Me.

I Believe my never-ending Fountain of Creativity & Ideas is my Gift to You and to the World

No matter how wobbly you feel, You CAN make Art and

I can Teach you How in my Loving, Relaxed Style of Teaching through self paced courses

which not only teach you how to be arty but are full of Coaching & Therapeutic Tips for happier living!

You can develop Self Acceptance, Inner Calm, ease Anxiety, Stress & activate your Innate Capacity to Self Heal

I facilitate life change through Mixed Media Art & Intuitive Collage, Psycho-Ed/coaching tips, online Groups, Therapeutic Playshops and in person painting days in my studio in Scotland

I Teach How your Fingers, Intuition & Innate Body Wisdom has the capacity to Heal at a deep, Unconscious level with or without the need for words and How you can Relate with yourself, transform Self Criticism, Doubt & Fear into Self Acceptance & Inner Calm so you can feel wonderful too

I Celebrate everyone as Unique and Individual on their own Journey   


Sign up below for immediate Access 


Duration: Lifetime
Price: £20.00

About Me

Raw & Gritty Art Coaching to Unleash Woman 

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: 07876 222 790
